Stories from an untamed America

The World of the American Hinterland

The Americas are boundless in both resources and peoples, making tales of an untamed land percolate the desires in some and fears in others, but beckon all to its majestic lands. All equal in ambition to prosper from the First Nations who lived here for centuries to religious zealots escaping the decay of European ideals to innovative folk hungry for a fortune – will fight and use any means to secure their version of freedom. In this land it doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman, a king or a slave, in the hinterlands it's the bold and driven that survive

Content Concepts

  • Little Red - Limited Dramatic Episodic

    Witch Hunt - Societal Decay – Survival

    A year after the Salem witch trials, an independent girl has to take care her grandmother all while being threatened by a pious society and a surmounting invasion of the perceived supernatural.

  • Montana - Dramatic Episodic

    Female Lead - Western - Violent

    Montana Berry, a half native frontierswoman, tormented by her father’s murder and horrid visions, is hell bent on destroying the corrupt wealth of 1884 Tacoma by forging an alliance with the marginalized communities.

  • Buffalo Soldier - Graphic Novel

    Post Civil War - Unrestraint Wilderness - Internal Struggle

    The Civil War is over and the future for Buck Black lies in the frontier. After being captured during a raid, Buck realizes he is just simply replacing his own subjection with the indigenous population.